Regarding the Jayton Homecoming article which ran on the front page of The Texas Spur, Vol. 108, No. 48, on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2018, we mistakenly reported that the homecoming
The Spur Area Chamber of Commerce has a busy fall planned, including a membership drive, renovating the Girl Scout hut as a welcome center and rolling out its first event
INVENERGY WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS DONATED SCHOOL SUPPLIES to Patton Springs ISD. “Our teachers and students are extremely grateful for the generous donation,” said Principal Sandra Ramirez. The Patton Springs fifth-grade
Spur Apiary, owned and operated by beekeeper Jon Shipp, is now a member of Real Texas Honey™. Real Texas Honey™ is a Texas non-profit organization that promotes honey 100 percent
Parade: Scott Parks, best antique car; Matador Ranch (Jacie, Crystal, Alicia), best ATV/bicycle; Kid in a Can (Riggin Greer), best float; Rodeo Zone, best horse-drawn carriage; Hurst Farm Supply (Jarrett
AUSTIN — Though Hurricane Harvey caused a significant drop in dove hunter effort and harvest numbers last year, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department expects the 2018-19 season to be
With a theme of Revisit the Past/Unmask the Future, the 66th annual Spur Homecoming is gearing up for the third weekend in September. Festivities get underway with the Spur Art
95 AND GOING STRONG Riders represent the Motley-Dickens Old Settlers Parade on Saturday morning, August 25, 2018, in downtown Roaring Springs. Crowds of spectators of all ages turned out to
WELCOME CENTERThe Spur City Council has voted to allow the Spur Area Chamber of Commerce to lease the Girl Scout hut for $1 per year with the conditions that the
The biennial Jayton Homecoming is this year, and it’s set for September 27 through 29, 2018. Activities get underway with a bonfire Thursday evening. The junior class is building the