At The Texas Spur offices on Burlington Avenue, we hear questions—and lots of stories— about many establishments in downton Spur. As the City of Spur prepares to pursue grants to revitalize downtown and improve quality of life for all, the newspaper staff would like to gather some of this knowledge!
Congratulations to the Jayton Jaybirds, whose comefrom-behind win against Ira Friday night earned them KCBD-TV’s End Zone Team of the Week honors. KCBD FACEBOOK
Spur ISD superintendent sent the following notification to parents Tuesday evening. When Spur ISD students return to in-person classes Tuesday, Sept. 8, staff and students older than 10 will be required to wear facial coverings as a Covid-19 precaution.
You’ve seen the public notices in the newspapers recently for budget hearings, tax rates and the like. Maybe you’ve read the fine print, or attended a meeting at which the information was discussed.
If you follow this column, you know each year I seem to have an abundance of zucchini from my garden. But I can always put it to good use or share with neighbors. And of course, even the zucchini that get too large can render good results when peeled, seeded and grated.
We have had a scorching summer and yet flowers faithfully persist, perhaps as a tribute to surviving the summer of 2020. September is a good month in which to save those favorite blossoms as keepsakes.
I have been at the library for just over a year now, and it has been a challenging but exhilarating change for me. I had always thought it would be boring to spend every day in a library. I was way off on that one!
Due to Covid-19 concerns, Spur ISD will conduct only remote learning for the next two weeks and will begin face-to-face instruction again on September 8, 2020.
The 97th Annual Motley- Dickens Counties Old Settlers Reunion and Rodeo, August 27, 28 and 29, 2020, in Roaring Springs, has something for everyone this year.