DISTRICT WIN The #11 in the state Jayton Lady Jays defeated the Motley County Lady Matadors in their district opener Friday night at home. They prevailed over Motley 71–25.
South Plains Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round Up will award a minimum of $20,000 in scholarships to South Plains Electric members. The scholarship is available to high school seniors who are members, spouse or child of a member, or those whose legal guardian is a member or landlord is a member.
Star Feed & Seed of Spur held its 2021–22 Big Buck Contest throughout deer season, with hunters harvesting animals in Dickens and adjoining counties eligible. Winners were announced last week in several categories.
David Castellon, coach of the Spurettes girls’ basketball team, last week celebrated his 100th win surrounded by his team. The Spurettes begin 2022 ranked number 25 in the state, with a 16–6 season record so far, most recently winning the consolation bracket at the Hale Center Tournament last week.